dimanche 13 octobre 2013

Have you ever ridden a roller-coaster?

We have been working on travel and experiences! It was interesting to hear where everyone has already been, in Asia and elsewhere.

We listened to this song and clicked:

We also used this worksheet, I suggest you use the last page again to revise your past participles!

What about you? Where would you like to go? What would you like to do? 

mercredi 9 octobre 2013

The colours song

Here's a beautiful song to finish this term. You CP group are doing a great job, congratulations! :)

lundi 7 octobre 2013

Alfy's emotions

Remember playing with Alfy?

Can you remember what his emotions were? When was he proud? Scared and shy? Grumpy? Relieved? Look up the adjectives in the dictionary if you're not sure any more...

Class rules

In class, there are things we must do, things we mustn't do, and things we can do if we want.

But the most important one is: ALWAYS BE KIND! 

Click on the picture to see the poster of OUR class rules:

Want some more? Play the Highway Code Game!

What does she look like?

Do you know this character? What does she look like?

Physical description

What does your friend look like? To work on physical description, we played some revision games.
Click on 1° ESO -> lexicon -> my body, then on 1°ESO -> intermediate -> my friends.

Then we used this game to learn new vocabulary. Here's the text, but the game doesn't work. Sorry!

Last but not least, we played "Who's Who?" in class. It was fun! Here are some of the questions we used :

"- Is it a girl or a boy?
- Does she have long hair?
- Does he have black hair?
- Does she have glasses?"

What colour is it?

So, what are these?

It's a black bat.

It's a grey mouse.

It's a pink elephant.

It's a red parrot.

It's a green snake.

Back to school! Alfy

You were a lot to enjoy playing with Alfy. So play again!

Want some more? Try this page, and have fun learning!

What's this?

Sing the "What's this?" song!

Back to school! CP

For the first sessions together, we revised colours and animals. We also learned how build sentences using both.

We learnt a song :

We also played games on this website (1°ESO -> lexicon -> colours) :